Become a Life-Changer

Want to make a
lasting impact?
See how your
time, talents & treasures
can help to
transform lives.

Here you’ll find LAITR’s updated list of ways you can help via the 4 Ts of Philanthropy

Time: Donate your time with direct hands-on volunteer work, educating yourself to help a larger cause or assist with one-time events.

Treasure: Donations of monetary value or donating items needed to help the cause.

Talent: Donating your expertise in a special area that may be of need for certain projects or priorities.

Testimony: Sharing your story. Read the stories of individuals requesting community assistance.

  • My story short, I’ve struggled for awhile after losing my brother and dad before the age of adulthood. I battled with so much pain and trauma that came out in anger because there was so much I was never taught as far as identifying and  dealing with emotions. That led me into a depression that I wasn’t aware of, alone and abandoned at the age 15. I had it hard. I turned to numbing the root problems, turned to liquor and weed and pills to help me forget all the pain. Only leading me deeper into darkness and pain. Then by God’s divine plan he sent help to save me in the form of my wife. She was my peace but [it] was still hard for me to see. She never gave up on me until God made it to where I couldn’t do anything but come to him. I was spiked or laced in some way but I had 6 seizures…plenty of times I should have or thought I would die. Only God. 6 seizures back to back, was paralyzed for a few days. Life altering, still to this day. After that I put everything down and said I want out. My out was church and my faith, thanks to God sending his help in my wife. Then came my clothing brand and custom embroidery company (AGEEmbroidery) and finally SHINE!

  • Looking for assistance with my car repairs. I love the position I have with SHINE helping with the community, and helping the team and our Township. Not only is this a job for me, it’s an opportunity (the right way) to help as well as show my children that dad is working to keep our community nice. I have been struggling with my car for awhile now, but through faith I [feel] God has better things in his divine plan for me and my family. One of the things I could use assistance with on my car is my water pump is bad, causing my car to overheat. The other things I’m sure I can manage but the cost of $1,150 right now is problematic for me right now. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you so much, God Bless.

  • I would love to even donate or even use my talents of my clothing and embroidery to do for the community (local teams, local Township community events or even uniform to some schools, etc…).

  • So currently as a talent as well as hobby I have started my own clothing brand and custom embroidery company. Another way I can help and show off my craft, artistic POV and just provide a service of quality wears and top of the line stitching. Fair price for a piece of me. I would love to find a grant to help further as well as grow my company.


Eric is our newest SHINE member who has been a hardworking asset to the team thus far. Eric reached out for assistance fixing his car. Eric uses his car every morning to get to and from work and to pick up a coworker on the way. Eric is requesting monetary assistance to fix his water pump. Read his testimony to learn more about him, “treasure” to learn more about how your monetary contributions could help, and in “time” and “talent”, you’ll learn more about some of his passions.