Ace of Hearts
Every person and animal feels
Their experiences are just as real
As yours are to you so what to do
Is give to them what you want for you
We are each just one among so many
So self-centeredness we should be ending
More happens to others than happens to me
They're worthy of care they all feel, hear, and see
So we'll think of other people more than self
Animals too, all who feel we'll give help
One day we'll die and then we will be gone
But what we did for others will still live on
The meaning of life is to care and protect
People and animals so dangers detect
Information collect on what others need
Then work to give it do it all with top speed
Know people don't get help when we act with greed
But when we save people others follow our lead
What we don't to help can cause someone pain
So we'll stay focused on dangers people face
Consistently act in the best way we can
To benefit people and animals, our plans
Not based on what we want but what others need
So many have problems we can help defeat
I'll care for others like I care for myself
Strengthen my ability to give them help
We'll speak up for those who are left unheard
We'll be careful and caring in our choice of words
A problem for another a problem for me
Treat anyone anywhere with caring decency
Be in a hurry people need my help now
Work to rise up all those who are down
Becoming a way that people are saved
From terrible pain and their early graves
Use money as a tool to help those in need
Use time efficiently and act with top speed
Our words as a way to ease people's pain
Our choices based on treating all the right way
Work to protect wildlife animal too
They have brains, are feeling and aware like you
We have duties to nature it is true
Future generations need this planet too
We'll learn about the dangers that face life on Earth
And work to protect a world with great worth
We'll keep helping others even when it hurts
Make experience better in this universe
Try to cure problems with which people are cursed
Keep it consistent not just help in spurts
What's happening to others might as well be
Happening to me, they feel just as vividly
Every other human has a feeling brain
We'll honor their pain and work to make change
So people won't feel what we wouldn't want
Protect them from evil and make their pain stop
Life can be cruel but we can make it better
If we commit to love and give up never
No struggle stopping us in our endless quest
To care for people and animals in ways that are best
Limit rest people face emergencies
They're worthy, deserve us acting with urgency
There's so much that we can do to show love
Help people improve get educated enough
To achieve their dreams, we'll share our knowledge
We'll learn all we can and teach like a college
When someone's deprived we can make help arrive
To those feeling dark like night we'll bring a light
Treat everyone right no discrimination
So a brighter world will be our creation
Write about what people are going through
So we know their problems and then we can do
The caring thing the sharing thing because we know
The feelings of others like we know our own
Speak and write on the issues others face
People and animals we study this way
We carefully reason out ways to help them
Then rush to apply the fruits of the pen
A careful thoughtful effort to care for Earth life
A consistent commitment to do what is right
A well reasoned vision for lovingly giving
Hard work on a mission to improve living
Conditions for people and animals on Earth
Protect all who feel and are aware of the world
All who experience life are in our sights
As worthy of help, we work to treat them right
From nature wildlife to those under city lights
We'll go hard to give love and keep our focus tight
Avoiding distractions and staying in action
So we can provide what others are lacking
Not so relaxing knowing the pain people face
We work to understand, put selves in their place
This thoughtful connection determines direction
We know the threats to people and give protection
We forget the sections, all are in our group
They're all human too respect what they go through
See yourself in others, mirror reflection
You'll find similarities with close inspection
Emotions, sensations, imagine trading places
You're in their situation what feelings are you facing?
Develop this thinking and practice a lot
Grow your love for others then give and don't stop
We're never alone so many need our care
Get out of your head and get in action out there
Showing love brings joy and nothing else compares
We go towards better days we move when we share
We protect people facing discrimination
Counter claims that are racist or based on nations
Or language because each human matters the same
No person should look at themselves and feel shame
The hatred is hurtful it puts hearts in pain
We'll respect all people and clean up this stain
Made by our bias which tears us apart
Instead we'll connect and open our hearts
We'll protect from oppression anyone held down
All deserve freedom the whole Earth around
We will learn a lesson from mistakes in the past
Make a loving planet, live a way that can last
We'll work to improve ourselves for the sake
Of better giving to others much better days
We'll strengthen our bodies educate our minds
So we can give loving service to humankind
Work to move faster to deal with disaster
Design better methods and practice to master
Waste no time cuz people need help and love
Rush to save like there's FIRE under my butt
What hurts for someone else can hurt for me too
We can deeply understand what they go through
We can be the heroes that people require
For anyone low we can lift them higher
We can make our desire to give care to all
Ignore nobody and put up no walls
Others cry out in pain we answer the call
All humans protected and helped when they fall
Our Earth is a home that we will make safe
For people and animals who will live someday
In the future, they matter just as much as us
Never forget they'll be here, treat them with love
Like the light of a distant star all our choices
Reach future people so use action and voices
In ways that will make them have happier days
We are the guardians of this precious place
This planet's our sacred responsibility
We shape it's future now, in each minute we
Are making the days future people will face
Work to help them too and move at a fast pace
-rap by Luck